From 2020 up until 2021, I had my own clothing company called L.U.X.H.S. I designed all the prints myself and had the clothing made through a third-party supplier. This was my first real crack at design and creation itself. It marks the start of my creative journey.

This page showcases all of the work I made in this period. Not all of it is pretty, but that is exactly why I wish to show it. I wish to convey a genuine and honest account of my creative journey, to show that one cannot be great from the beginning and has to learn by experience. The overall look and feel of the work differs. Some move more towards being a poster, while others are a more plainer design.

There are no names or written explanations added to these because I wish the artworks to speak for themselves. Behind all of these works are the emotions (whether good or bad) I had when I was 17. I wish these to stay pure as they are and not dilute them with words. My slogan at the time was that my designs were
'made by emotions,'
Down below are a few pictures of the designs on the clothing being worn by people who were both friends, influencers, and brand owners themselves. In the short time that I worked on L.U.X.H.S., my designs reached the Netherlands, the UK, France, Germany, and even Russia.

I am grateful to all of them for showing my young self so much support.

P.S.A. All the weapons shown in these pictures are fake props used for aesthetic purposes. I do not endorse violence or the possession of weapons.

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